An industrial Visit of III year students on 6th April 2013 at 400 KV GSS Heerapura
Abhinav Chaturvedi VI semester, RIET, EEE)
A one day industrial
visit at 400kv Grid Sub Station, Heerapura was scheduled for the students, by
the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering on
April 06, 2013. The students were asked to report
at the allotted time at the substation from where they were escorted to the
control room by the concerned faculties.
The command then was
took over by J.En.who showed students the way around. She explained students the
functioning of the control room that How the command over the distribution
system is taken care of? How the power supply and the faults are monitored?
She also explained
about the single line diagrams, the new technologies coming in the field of
circuit breakers like the SF6 circuit breakers, Trip Neutral Close (TNC) Switch
etc. She briefly gave a description on the feeders and the transformers that
were currently being used at the substation and the network route of the
distribution system.
The second session of
the visit consisted of the trip to the yard where the functioning of the
feeders, transformers and CVT’s were to be given. Mr. Mahadev (JEN) showed
students the initial stage of the substation starting from an LA. Moving on
from there the whole power management path was followed from LA to CVT then to
the wave trap (used for communication purpose) and finally to the power
The visit was a “knowledge
enhancing” trip for the
students where they learn practical functioning of the Power system along with
the practical applications of the power system equipments.
Switch Yard
Understanding Power Engineering
Industrial Visit of Final Year to Tehri Dam and Haridwar
Wishing to see you all guys very soon...wish u all the best...Sanjiv Bhatnagar